55th Annual NAICJA

Speech2Data and the National American Indian Court Judges Association (NAICJA) invite you to the 55th Annual National Tribal Judicial and Court Personnel Conference to be held at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, NV on October 21-24, 2024. (Pre-conference will be held on October 21, 2024, for Court Clerk I Training - separate registration required.)

NAICJA’s Annual Conference offers innovative and timely tribal justice information through high quality presentations by national experts. The theme of this year’s conference is, “NAICJA at 55 Years: Preserving Traditions and Adapting to the Future.”  NAICJA is featuring topics that highlight ways in which American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and First Nations justice systems are exercising tribal inherent sovereignty and envisioning their tribal justice systems to preserve traditions and adapt to the future.

We are delighted to welcome our judges and court personnel. We hope you will join us to learn and network during our three-day event. 

Who Should Attend
- Tribal Court Judges, Peacemakers and Other Tribal Dispute Resolvers
- Tribal Court System Personnel
- Tribal Leaders
- Tribal Organizational Staff
- Federal Indian Law and Tribal Law Attorneys and Scholars
- Federal and State Judiciaries and Court Personnel
- Law Students
- Anyone Interested in Tribal Justice Developments
To REGISTER for this important event, please click here.