The Record Button

All of your record settings are retained in memory in a passpin protected setup file. After the unit has been powered on (which takes about 2 seconds) just press the RED button to begin recording using the record settings. The buton's ring lights RED while it is recording. If you press the button again while its recording, the recorder wil immediatly begin a new recording and close the previous recording already safely stored in memory. If while recording you press pause on the touchscreen, the unit will pause recording and the LED ring will flash RED.

While recording note several items are indicated by the touch screen...

  • Elapsed time / remaming time / need images
  • Name of the file that is now recording
  • Date and exact time the recording began
  • Record level meters as signal is detected
  • The percentage of remaining battery power if AC power is interupted
To stop recording Press stop on the touch screen display and the RED LED will turn off and prompt "You pressed Stop do you want to...
  •  Continue Recording uninterupted.
  • Skip back while continuing to recording
  • Stop the recording